Sunday, March 11, 2007


In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful
an explanation

Why Muslamics, you say? The term Muslamics is a cross between Muslims and Islam, and makes light of the many erroneous labels places upon Muslims.

There has always been a gap in understanding between those who have lived in traditional European or Western societies, and those who live in Muslim-dominated lands. This gap has led to an astounding ignorance in the West about what Islam is and who Muslims are; therefore, often you will find those in the West fearing Muslims because they do not understand them.

At the most superficial level, this has led to demonizing through words. For instance, as the popular Muslim comedian Azhar Usman says, you call him "Sad-DAMN" not "Sa-dam." For Muslims, there have been numerous labels within popular culture - Mohamatens, Moslems, Islamics...many of these hold negative connotations.

As Muslims living in America, we are a part of a daily struggle to define ourselves and forge new identities, at a time when our community, and specifically Muslim activists, are in the limelight. Part of this struggle is to reclaim our language. We are proud to be Muslims, and we are proud to follow Islam, and we believe it is part of our duty to convey to others who we are and what we stand for. Therefore, we will take the name Muslamics - originally used as a derogatory term against Muslims - and expose the ignorance behind it, as well as give it meaning.
Muslamics stands for Muslims, living in the West, striving to redefine their identities and standing for what Islam truly is.

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