Friday, September 28, 2007

Arundhati Roy- What Kind of Resistance is Effective?

Arundhati Roy poses this question on her video, what kind of resistance is effective. This is exactly what has been on my mind as well…for a really long time. When we think of people at this moment who have to make this decision, is it a struggle or do they just know what they must do? I cannot help but cringe with uneasiness when I hear those for violent resistance shut out peaceful resistance or those for non-violent resistance shun those for armed resistance. I cannot say that one or the other is always appropriate. Who are we really to tell those in desperation that have lost everything to put down their arms and continue being oppressed and exploited because it is the right/civilized or 'peaceful' thing to do? As mentioned in the video nonviolent resistance has gotten all of the limelight in mainstream circles and is obviously pressed by those in power. For those who have everything and do not have to suffer horrible things every day of their lives it is easy to speak with such conviction.

I think that for every activist and every person who tries to change/help the world, a peaceful and satisfactory end is the goal. However, to say that one means, the nonviolent way is the only way, is to speak from ignorance. It will always be a means for those in powers and in governments to continue to suppress the potential and natural growth of societies and individuals. As long as things are under control and people continue being numb sheeple, governments will always do what they want. It is a very interesting topic with great potential for discussion.


Zahra Billoo said...

"However, to say that one means, the nonviolent way is the only way, is to speak from ignorance."

Yesi, are you trying to join the CAIR Watch crew? :-)

*On the real though, I agree!

Yesi King said...

haha no, cairwatch is wack!

Zahra Billoo said...

No. HaHa I meant the crew of us that were already profiled on there. Not the actual team.

zelle’s said...

Her writing is amazing, her social conscientiousness is SUPERB! I am a fan of her work and her causes.

AG said...

Great post! She's a crucial thinker to our world.

I agree with much of what you said but I'm worried that the times when masses can `outviolence' the State might be over soon. Urban warfare served as a primary destabilizer in many regions in historical (Paris, France - the result was the creation of Boulevards since small streets were too convenient for barricades and worker revolts) and contemporary (US Marines in Mogadishu are an example) situations. Today, we have a highly proliferate police force which is getting far more militarized than our classic Andy Griffith - given its own share of Active Denial System and Area Denial System hand-me-downs from the war machine.


Yesi King said...

Assalamu alaikum Amer. I agree with you. I will be posting something very soon that attempts to answer these issues that you have posed. BTW, I have read your blog and must say I really enjoyed it:) We have very similar interests, that is why I recommend you read Slavoj Zizek. Perhaps you have heard of him? I think you'll find him interesting.

AG said...

Sorry for my late response.
This isn't the first recommendation I've gotten to read Zizek, so I'm definitely considering it. I've yet to open any of his books, just a couple articles. Would you recommend a certain book to start off with? iA I'm aiming to start this winter break.

I'm glad you enjoyed the blog. We're hoping to get back to it soon . Looking forward to this post!
