Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Wal-Mart vs. Permanently Disabled Woman

Reason 3439674 Why People of Conscience Should NOT Be Shopping at Wal-Mart:

Tragic might be an understatement.


Bassem said...
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Anonymous said...

The verse below came to my mind when I watched the video:

"Allah commands justice, the doing of good,..." [16:90]

Abdullah Yusuf Ali writes in his explantion of this verse (The Meaning of the Holy Quran):

"Justice is a comprehensive term, and may include all the virtues of cold philosophy. But religion asks for something warmer and more human, the doing of good deeds even where perhaps they are not strictly demanded by justice..."

The question is, what type of society do we want to be - one of cold justice or ihsan (goodness)?

Unknown said...

We need to turn the culture. Make it so that shopping at Walmart is seen in a negative light, we need to do that by not shopping there, when we see or hear of people shopping there telling that its sad that x, y, z.

We need to make it so that its a taboo to do so. When its a taboo at least people will feel shame enough not to talk about their shopping habits. At least then its a admission of guilt or shame or both.

Anonymous said...

wow, the overall tragedy of this family just makes the heart tremble.

many of us who had a loved one recover from cancer know how taxing that can be for the whole family. For this family, it seems to be the least of their worries as they have also just lost their son who only served two short weeks in a tragic war, are helping a mother deal with crippling brain injuries, and are in the grips of legal battle with one of the most ruthless corporate giants of the world. Subhan'Allah, may Allah give this family patience and comfort in this time.